Author Archive
DIY Halloween Make-up Tutorial

DIY Halloween Make-up Tutorial

You still don´t know how you should dress up for halloween? A nice make-up always seems really hard to achieve, but actually it isn´t. In our step by step tutorial video, we are going to show you how it´s done, and in fact two different make-ups. Just click here and watch our new video!  ...
A summer day with…MASON

A summer day with…MASON

Summer time in Nuremberg – We sent our YOU ARE HERE editors out with a camera to show you what they love to do in Nuremberg in summer. Here … a summer day with MASON  
The 3rd "Forum Willkommenskultur" event

The 3rd “Forum Willkommenskultur” event

On Saturday, the 21th of april 2018, about 250 social volunteers, fulltime employees, professionals, and many activists, who are working in refugees field, came together and met at the “Meistersingerhalle” in Nürnberg, to exchange ideas about the topic integrtion. The next “Forum Willkommenskultur” takes place on friday, the 15th of march 2019, in town hall....
Youth club komm!unication

Youth club komm!unication

We visited the youth club “komm!unication” – an integrative theatre group at the Theatre Pfütze for young people between 15 and 25 years old. 16 young people from 7 different countries, refugees and Germans, work on a play together. We visited them at their rehearsal and the premiere of their play and loved it!! If...
A summer day with...MUJTABA

A summer day with…MUJTABA

Summer time in Nuremberg – We sent our YOU ARE HERE editors out with a camera to show you what they love to do in Nuremberg in summer. Here … a summer day with MUJTABA  
A summer day with...ANNA

A summer day with…ANNA

Summer time in Nuremberg – We sent our YOU ARE HERE editors out with a camera to show you what they love to do in Nuremberg in summer. Here … a summer day with ANNA  
The YOU ARE HERE event tips for AUGUST 2017

The YOU ARE HERE event tips for AUGUST 2017

Brückenfestival Sommernachtsfilmfestival Sommertanzwochen Klassik Open Air Ausstellung “100 Beste Plakate”
RADIO Z / Borderless Broadcast

RADIO Z / Borderless Broadcast

We visited Radio Z – a very particular radio station in Nuremberg. The independent, non-commercial radio station plays music of a great variety of genres, like jazz, pop or rock, but also offers plenty of multicultural broadcast. One of them is Borderless Broadcast – a programme for and by refugees. You can listen to Radio...
Forum Willkommenskultur der Stadt Nürnberg 2017

Forum Willkommenskultur der Stadt Nürnberg 2017

We went to City Hall in Nuremberg to “Forum Welcoming Culture”. Many active people who are involved in refugee work meet here to exchange ideas and present different projects.
The YOU ARE HERE event tips for JULY 2017

The YOU ARE HERE event tips for JULY 2017

Global Art Sommerfest Klüpfel Open Air Frauencafé International –  Sommerfest Klassik Open Air AKWABA Afrika Tage Bardentreffen
Theaterclub Freunde&Feste des Staatstheaters Nürnbergs

Theaterclub Freunde&Feste des Staatstheaters Nürnbergs

The State Theatre Nuremberg has some great offers and everybody can join. We went to see one of these projects: The theatre group “friends&festival” meets every Saturday between 3 and 5 pm and everybody is welcome! They act, perform, sing and dance. Language skills are irrelevant and everybody can join at every time. After 3...


YOU ARE HERE celebrates it’s 1 year anniversary! That’s a reason to have a party to which we would like to invite everyone: On 16.4.2017 at MUZ Club. At 3pm we’re starting with chilled out coffee and cake, intercultural speed dating and a kids programme. At 7pm we have some great live acts on the...