
The “YAH” Team at the “International Human Rights Film Festival”
The “Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival” is Germany’s biggest and oldest film festival about Human Rights. Fortunately the team of “You Are Here” was also there and prepared a video for you. Enjoy watching!

We are now also on Instagram!
The multilingual culture guide “You Are Here” finally got an instagramaccount. Follow us for weekly event tipps and to get a glimpse behind the scenes! Just click here and you are there!

Nuernberg, totaly blue again!
Nuernberg castle covered with graffiti. The downtown is filled with cheerful crowd of people. And every corner that you gaze at, you see blue lights. What’s going on here? With the headline “Horizon” Nuernberg’s big art campaign “Blaue Nacht” took place on 5th of may. The idea of this event goes back to year 2000,...

The YOU ARE HERE event tips for AUGUST 2017
Brückenfestival Sommernachtsfilmfestival Sommertanzwochen Klassik Open Air Ausstellung “100 Beste Plakate”

The YOU ARE HERE event tips for JULY 2017
Global Art Sommerfest Klüpfel Open Air Frauencafé International – Sommerfest Klassik Open Air AKWABA Afrika Tage Bardentreffen

The YOU ARE HERE event tips for JUNE 2017
Afrika Festival Südstadtfest Hinterhofflohmarkt Gostenhof West Gostner Hoftheater Filmhauskino Muggenhofer Kurkonzert

YOU ARE HERE celebrates it’s 1 year anniversary! That’s a reason to have a party to which we would like to invite everyone: On 16.4.2017 at MUZ Club. At 3pm we’re starting with chilled out coffee and cake, intercultural speed dating and a kids programme. At 7pm we have some great live acts on the...

The Refugees Nürnberg e.V. ● YOU ARE HERE Team is so excited to welcome Firas Alshater as a guest in Nuremberg. On Sunday, 9th April 2017 FIRAS ALSHATER reads from his book “Ich komme auf Deutschland zu – Ein Syrer über seine neue Heimat ” in an interactive reading. Firas Alshater is just a normal...

Phantom – A Play
The play “Phantom (A Play)” will be shown from 8th March in Gostner Hoftheater. The story begins with an abandoned baby in a fast food joint somewhere in Germany. The main character Blanca, a Bulgarian, is quickly under suspicion because she was seen in the restaurant shortly before. It is played with German prejudices but...

Eight locally well known artists from Nuremberg participated in a unique billboard campaign under the motto “Refugees Welcome” in cooperation with You Are Here. The custom-made XXL posters can be seen on huge billboards spread all over Nuremberg from 1.-8.8. We would like to thank STADTREKLAME NÜRNBERG and all the artists: Mark Timmins, GYMMICK, Mavie Döbler, Julian Vogel, Sebastian Lohmaier, Hannes...

Hadi Alizadeh (Persian Musician)
Navid from the YOU ARE HERE-Team met the Iranian musician Hadi Alizadeh who works and lives in Nuernberg for an interview. Here some information about him: Hadi Alizadeh was born in Ilam, Iran. He is a master in playing Daf and Tombak, traditional Persian percussion instruments. He played many concerts, recorded and released a lot...