The State Theatre Nuremberg is one of the biggest theatres in Germany giving a stage to opera, concerts, ballett and theatre. Also the young generation can be creative – in the children’s opera and in the youth theatre.
Besides, there are two great projects by the Staatstheater that invite to participate:
Every Saturday between 3 and 5 pm a brand new theatre club meets at the Staatstheater Nürnberg and everybody is welcome to join. They act, perform, sing and dance. Language skills are irrelevant. At the moment the focus is on the Germanisches Nationalmuseum. The group is rotating between a Saturday in the museum where they research with free admission so that they can put their findings into practice on stage the following Saturday. Starting from April the group will meet either in the theatre or in the city. The theatre club “Friends&Festival” shows the outcomes of their work within a internal performance after three Mondays. If you’re intrigued, come by and have a look yourself. The meeting point is the stage entrance of the theatre between the opera house and the theatre opposite the paring garage at Richard-Wagner-Platz.
Refugees can discover the German language and theatre together with theatre educator Andra-Maria Jebelan. Refugees can take part in all offers of theatre pedagogy, they can join the children’s choir, perform in the theatre club or do a school internship in the Staatstheater. Together, they visit the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, go to theatre or ballett rehearsals, visit different places in the neighbourhood or get help with homework.
Contact: Andra-Maria.Jebelean@staatstheater.nuernberg.de oder 0911/231-23326
Staatstheater NürnbergRichard-Wagner-Platz 2-10
90443 Nürnberg
Ticket-Hotline: 0911-231-3808
How to get there
U2/U3: Opernhaus(theatre ticket = ticket for public transport!!)
Opening hours
Theatre box office:Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
People with a Nürnberg-Pass: 50 % reductionStudents: 25 % reduction