
The play “Phantom (A Play)” will be shown from 8th March in Gostner Hoftheater.

The story begins with an abandoned baby in a fast food joint somewhere in Germany. The main character Blanca, a Bulgarian, is quickly under suspicion because she was seen in the restaurant shortly before. It is played with German prejudices but also with hopes and illusions of refugees in a humorous and clever way. The character of Annika, a pregnant German, is contrasted with the story of Blanca. “Phantom” is an approach to our present with a massive tide of refugees in Germany and the viewer is touched by Blanca’s thoughts that some day her children will be “Germans with a strange last name”.


The YOU ARE HERE – Team went to see the final rehearsal and interviewed the director Silke Würzburger.

YOU ARE HERE: Why is he play called “Phantom”?

Silke Würzburger: Well, prejudices and clichés are somehow phantom images in our heads. Blanca is a phantom herself to start with and then it slowly unravels.

YOU ARE HERE: To what extent can art dismantle prejudices?

SilkeWürzburger: In art and expecially in theatre prejudices are shown purposely and very strongly. That’s what we did with this play, too. I think as soon as you name the prejudices and play with them people start to think about them. I believe that is is easier to dismantle prejudices wihout a pointing finger.

YOU ARE HERE: What did you personally like about the play?

YOU ARE HERE: The play was written by Lütz Hübner and has so many layers. I started to deal with it and then decided not to focus on the story of tthe flight so much – which isn’t so much a story of flight anyway. I rather focussed on the clichés. What are clichés and where can you find them? That was exciting for me – to look what’s behind stereotypes like that. That’s where you find people and their fate and that’s what was so interesting for me.


Gostner Hoftheater

Austraße 70

90429 Nürnberg

Opening hours

10.03.2017     8 pm

11.03.2017      8 pm

15.03.2017      7:30 pm

16.03.2017      7:30 pm

17.03.2017      8 pm

18.03.2017     8 pm

22.03.2017    7:30 pm

23.03.2017    4 pm

24.03.2017    8 pm

25.03.2017   8 pm

29.03.2017  7:30 pm

30.03.2017  7:30 pm

31.03.2017   8 pm


Box office:

Regular 18€

Reduced 14€

Advance booking:

Regular 16€

Reduced 12€