Bildquelle: Stadt Nürnberg
The “Kunstvilla” in the “KunstKulturQuartier” is a municipal museum that is devoted to the presentation, mediation and study of the regional art history. The museum exhibits art works from the 20th and 21th century of the city as well as public and private consignors on an exhibtion space of about 600 sqm.
Kunstvilla im KunstKulturQuartier
Blumenstraße 17
90402 Nürnberg
Tel: 0911 / 231-15 893
How to get there
Tram 8: Marientor
U2/3: Wöhrder Wiese
Opening hours
Tuesday/ Thursday-Sunday and public holidays: 10am-6pm
Wednesday: 10am-8pm
Monday: closed
Adults: 5€
Reduced (Students/Nürnberg-Pass): 2,50 €
Students under the age of 18: free admission
Wednesday 6pm-8pm: free admission