Since September 2012 the Kulturbüro Muggenhof is offering the Werkstatt 141 Auf AEG. With a multi functional place for theaters, concerts, workshops and lectures, congresses and exhebitions. People from many different countries meet here and get in contact quite natural. Also this cultural diversity you will find in our events and proposals.
Kulturbüro Muggenhof/ Werkstatt 141Muggenhofer Str. 141, AEG Gelände
90429 Nürnberg
How to get there
U1: EberhardhofOpening hours
see event calenderAdmission
0 – 15,00 €Other
Offers for the new people of nürnberg:Nürnberg Pass-reduction
Average age
0 – 80
Live-Music: Pop, Jazz, Worldmusic, Experimental
Others: Childrens-program, exhibitions, theatre, readings, courses, catering