Eight locally well known artists from Nuremberg participated in a unique billboard campaign under the motto “Refugees Welcome” in cooperation with You Are Here. The custom-made XXL posters can be seen on huge billboards spread all over Nuremberg from 1.-8.8.
We would like to thank STADTREKLAME NÜRNBERG and all the artists: Mark Timmins, GYMMICK, Mavie Döbler, Julian Vogel, Sebastian Lohmaier, Hannes Hümmer, Björn Rogatti and Murat Basak.
1. Brückenstrasse/Desi
2. Steinbühler Tunnel
3. UBahn Gostenhof (tief)
4. Jakobsplatz/Feuerwache
5. UBahn Maximilianstr./Sparkasse
6. UBahn Plärrer (tief)
7. Pillenreuther/Celtisplatz
8. Hiroshimaplatz/BAMF


Sebastian Lohmaier / KL52

Julian Vogel

Mark Timmins

Mavie Döbler

Björn Rogatti

Murat Basak

Hannes Hümmer