The so called „Kulturläden“ are cultural centres in Nürnberg as district-spots for sociocultural encounter. They make cultural participation in everyones neighbourhood possible.
11 cultural centres in Nürnberg offer courses and group-activities for different peer groups and are meeting-point for various clubs and groups and als have space for excercises and performances.
People of various origin can meet here self-evident. The cultural diversity shows especially in the significant program of cultural events.
Kulturladen Zeltnerschloss
Gleishammerstr. 6
90480 Nürnberg
How to get there
Bus 43/44: BurgerstrasseOpening hours
see event calendarAdmission
0 – 12,00 €Other
Offers for the new people of NürnbergNürnberg Pass-reduction
Average age
0 – 80
Live-Music: Pop, Jazz, Weltmusik
Others: Childrens-program, exhibitions, theatre, readings, courses, catering